Séminaire Manish Chhowalla
- Détails
Manish Chhowalla, Director of Sir Henry Royce Institute at Cambridge, Goldsmiths’ Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge (UK) , donnera un séminaire intitulé:
« Metallic 1T phase two dimensional MoS2 as sulfur cathode host for lithium-sulfur batteries »
Le Mercredi 10 Novembre 2021 à 14h30, Salle 774, Bâtiment Lavoisier.
Abstract :
The transition to net zero carbon emission will require a step change in performance of energy devices. Batteries based on new chemistries that overcome the fundamental limitations of lithium-ion batteries will play an important role in enabling the energy transition. Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have attracted attention because of their high theoretical energy density, low materials cost and safety. However, fundamental challenges such as low sulfur utilization, sluggish reactions and capacity fading due to polysulfide shuttling have hampered their development. In this presentation, I will describe the realization of Li-S batteries using metallic 1T phase of two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide. Our previous work has shown that compact electrodes assembled from monolayered nanosheets of metallic 1T phase MoS2 are highly conductive, lyophilic, and are catalytically active. These attributes lead to > 85% utilization of sulfur due to improved adsorption of lithium polysulfides, enhanced Li+ diffusivity, accelerated electrochemical reaction kinetics and superior electrocatalytic activity for polysulfide conversion. Our results provide unique insights into new designs for Li-S cathodes based on electrocatalytically active and conducting two-dimensional (2D) materials.